Conference Interpreter /Translator
Hyogo, JAPAN
E-mail: uw1995@sierraleona.jp
●Approximately 35 years of experience as a Japanese-English interpreter
●30 years as a lead and check interpreter at depositions of over 50 IPR cases
●Legal education including two law schools and research institutes
●Internship at American law firms
●Co-author of Japanese Corporate Law (published by Kluwar)
●Various experience in high-profile/confidential cases
●Service Provided; RCI, RSI, Consecutive/ Simultaneous Interpretation (English<>Japanese)
●RCI/RSI environment: PC: Dynabook, Surface, microphone: Blue Yetti Microphone, Zennheiser IE-100 PRO headset, high-speed ethernet connection, three multi-screen displays

Recent RSI in 2022
Recent RSI(remote simultaneous interpretation) in 2022
●Australian international arbitration case (two weeks in 2022)
●ICD CPO-CD certification program in 2022
●IT Policy Meetings for Sankyo Pharmaceutical
●Cyber Security Cloud -Technical Meeting
●Water for Injection Interviews for Bio Company
●HR meetings for Yokokawa Electric company
●Medical Device(Spirometer) Investigator Meetings
●Fuse Startup Meetings;
- Web3, Startups Government Policy,
- VC and Startups in Kansai,
- Blue Carbon & Carbon Neutral,
- Local Policy for Sport x Community in Ibaraki,
- CVC and Telco (Kearney KDDI)
- JETRO Promotion for Japanese Startups
●J4CE(Japan Partnership for Circular Economy)
Public-Private Dialogue Event(8th)
Simultaneous Military court case
●High profile court of inquiry case in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii (four weeks in 2001)
RSI: Australian case: international arbitration (two weeks in April 2022)
using zoom for legal sessions and interviews with Japanese witnesses
US-Japan Litigation / Depositions/ Trials/ Investigation/ Arbitration/ Negotiations.
US/Japanese/European/Australian law firms
for prosecution and enforcement of IPRs(Patents, Trademark, Design)
and Anti-trust issues, PL cases, Insurance Claims, Class actions,
Big construction project damages suits
Clients include major Japanese / U.S. companies
Entertainment (Nintendo, Universal Studio Japan, Square)
Telecommunication (NTT Docomo, KDDI)
Consumer electronics/semiconductor/LEDs
(Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Toshiba, Intel, Kyocera, Nichia)
Pharmaceuticals (Daiichi-Sumitomo Pharmaceutical, Sumitomo Chemical)
Medical devices (Kaneka, Nikiso, Feather, Yokokawa)
Sports shoes (Asics)
Cosmetics (SKII, P&G, Shiseido) and advertisement agency (Dentsu, Hakuhodo)
Seminars on U.S. Laws by major law firms,
Shareholders Derivative Action (Corporate Law seminar),
Director and Officer Liabilities Insurance
Judges of CAFC late Judge Niece, on “Doctrine of Equivalents”
Judge Rader and University Professors including Professor Chizum
Court of Inquiry Proceedings for U.S. Navy into USS Greenville's
Collision with Japanese M/V Ehimemaru (Hawaii, one month in 2001)
Osaka Prefectural University Copyright & IP Protection Seminar,
Kyoto Comparative Law Center IPR Seminar (1989-1993, 3 months each year),
Osaka University Fair-use Doctrine Symposium,
Simultaneous Interpretation in International Conferences ;
Nintendo IPR Executive Review Meetings
Swagelok Process analysis and system training (two days, 2013-2016)
Telecommunication Symposium in North East Asia,
World Conference of Accounting Historians,
Plant Maintenance Symposium,
High Tech¬-Textile Symposium,
Harmonization of Law and EC,
World Distributors Conference (Thailand),
MPP Seminar, Wine & Scotch Seminars,
3GPP World Conference, NTT IT Seminar,
International Space Development Science Conference,
LAI ASIC Seminar,
MBC Seminar,
Consecutive Interpretation
U.S. Patent Litigations (Seminars, Depositions, and Trial)
Over 50 US Patent Cases
M&A, JV, Joint R&D agreements,
Licensing, Contract negotiations
Management Seminars
Kaizen, JIT, TQC seminars
Environmental control seminars,
Interviews, Press Conferences,
Marketing - Copy Creative Meetings,
Market Research- Focus Group Interviews
1. Assignments with SIMUL INTERNATIONAL(1989-92, 2000-2002)

TQC seminars, TPM seminars, Investment seminars,
International CIM conference, International conference of AIPH,
World Fashion Fair, International conference for Machine Tool Engineers,
HIP World Conference, Silk Road Symposium, etc.
Lectured Interpreters' training classes and seminars.

Organized and coordinated seminars and conferences for government representatives and officials including Asian and Pacific Conferences in Disaster Relief
Emergency Medicine, Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Seminar,
International Garden and Greenery Expositions,
Seminar on Advanced Management, etc.
Also served as an interpreter on the above occasions.

Secretary in Market Research and Analysis,
Administrative Assistant to Director of Personnel Department
in recruiting, payroll, labor management, etc.

Part¬time Training Coordinator for interpreting technical training courses
and seminars for participants from developing nations
under Japanese government programs.

Ground hostess(agent) in charge of ticketing at Osaka International Airport.
1. Kobe University, Graduate School of Law, Kobe, Japan(1995-2003)

Post-graduate Degree Program of the Corporate Transaction Course, Law and Policy Program (Master Degree, Completed the Doctoral Program)
2. Max Plank Institute, Munich, Germany (1998)

Comparative Study on the interface between IPRs and Competition Laws in Europe, Japan, and the U.S.
3. University of Washington, School of Law, Seattle, WA (1994-¬1995)

Completed the Asian Comparative Law Program. Received LL.M degree.
Majored in Intellectual Property Rights including Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and International Comparative Laws in IPRs.
Master's thesis for L.L.M. was focusing on Attorney-¬Client Privilege in US Patent Litigations and its applicability to Japanese Benrishi(Patent Attorney).
Interests also include parallel importation & fair use doctrine for Reverse Engineering of computer programs.
Completed 1995 CASRIP (Center for advanced study and research on Intellectual Property) summer program and attended Patent and Intellectual Property Law and Practice Institute (2000-2003)
4. Kobe University, Graduate School of Law, Kobe, Japan (1993-1995)
L.L.M. Completed Master's program in the Corporate Transaction Course, Law, and Policy Program. Majored in Economic Laws including Anti-monopoly Act, IPR Protection Laws, and Trade Laws.
5. Kobe University, Faculty of Law, Kobe, Japan (1978-1983)
Received Bachelor's degree in Law. Undergraduate education in law and required subjects.
6. Kenwood High School, Baltimore, MD, USA (1976-1977)
Exchange student, with American Field Service.

1. Research Tour to SE Asian Nations for Japanese FTC (Spring 1999)
Surveyed the status quo of legislation of Anti-trust Laws in major 6 Asian countries to facilitate Japanese ODA programs
2. EPO and German patent seminars-Practical Training (Summer 1998 & 2000)
Lectures and Practices of Patent prosecutions before European and German Offices. Comparative study on Litigations and Arbitration Procedures. Current European issues on IPRs.
3. Practical Training (Internship) at Christensen O'Connor Johnson & Kindness in Seattle, Washington, USA (Fall 1995)
Internship at the law firm specialized in patents and other IPRs prosecution and litigation. Review of American Patent Litigation procedures, including document production, depositions, and briefs. Review of patent prosecution history, attorney's opinion letter, and communication with clients and co¬counsels. Comparative analysis of Japanese and American law & statutes.

LECTURER, Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University (2006-2011), Tokyo
Legal Research and Writing, Oral Communication Skills (Academic Presentation)
Presentation at many Universities,
Award Winner for Venture Business Competition 2004
PUBLICATION in Legal Areas
1, Translated a book and co¬authored its introduction: Kawamoto, I., Kishida, M., Morita, K., Kawaguchi, H., Iga, Y. “Japanese Corporate Law”, as a part of “Encyclopedia of Law”, Amsterdam, Holland (October 1994, Kluwar)
Other publications include;
2, "Attorney-Client Privilege in U.S. Patent Infringement Cases: its Application to Japanese Benrishi" (1995, University of Washington, LL.M dissertation)
3. "Digest of Court Decision - Genentech Incorporated v. Sumitomo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: Biotech Patent Infringement Case " Patents & Licensing Vol.26, No.3 (IP-L Communications Inc., June 1996),
4. Michael Bednarek=Richard Peterson, "The Impact of the Supreme Court Hilton Davis Decision" (translation by Yoshiko Iga for IPR Management (CHIZAI-KANRI), April 1997)
5. "A Proposal to Attorney-Client Privilege Issues in Japanese & U.S Patent Litigation", 207 Proposals to Law and Policy (HOSEISAKU NO KOKOROMI)(1998, Shinzansha)
6. Yoshiko Iga, et al “GENDAIHOU no NYUMON- 「現代法の入門」-Introduction to Japanese Modern Laws”, authored the chapter of “A Proposal to establish a Legal Translator Profession”, a textbook for law school students and young scholars and lawyers.(2010 Sanseido)